Here is my pepeha which is all about my family.
Ko Au
Tena koe/korua/koutou
No Aotearoha ahau (my place/place from)
Ko Owairaka te kura (school)
Ko One Tree Hill toku maunga (mountain)
Ko Omaha toku awa (river)
Ko Air NZ toku waka (canoe)
Ko Nga Ringa Awhina toku marae (marae)
Ko Abe toku mama (mother)
Ko Hozay toku papa (father)
Ko Luke toku tuakana
(older sister of female/older brother of male)
(older sister of female/older brother of male)
Ko Tobi taku ingoa (my first name)
Tena koutou, Tena koutou, Tena koutou katoa
(Greetings to you, greetings to you, greeting to you all)
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